Hi there! It's almost the end of July- what?? LHA is still continuing to grow and expand in many different ways. For one, we have started offering quick intro lessons to some different languages, including ASL, Spanish, French, Latin, Mandarin, German, Italian, Tagalog and Tamil! And, we welcomed Gigi, Nena, Heather and Desiree to our team! We are starting to send out newsletters at the end of each month via email! If you'd like to start receiving those, please enter your email on the section at the bottom of our home page. As always, don't forget to follow us on our social media pages and please spread the word about us if you can!
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Hey there! We are so excited to have introduced our new volunteers, Rose, Joshua, Alena, Amy, Ivy, Maria, Staja, Susanna and Julian to our team! They have already been set up for several one-on-one and group activities this week. We have started working with some seniors outside of care facilities as well! If you know a senior isolated at home who could benefit from our program, please reach out to us via email. And, we are introducing a new activity- virtual cooking lessons! We would love to learn some new recipes and teach others about our favorite recipes! Additionally, we have continued to donate technology and art supplies to various care facilities, and are always appreciative of more donations. Have a great week and don't forget to follow us on social media if you haven't already!
Hi everyone!! This week was our THREE MONTH MARK!! Can you believe it? It feels like the first week of April was just last week. We were so happy to have welcomed Michelle, Sophia and Sareena to our LHA family! They are excited to host their meetings with residents. This week, we have started branching out to even more facilities, so stay tuned to the bottom of the home page of our website to check out more of the facilities we work with! Additionally, we started selling merchandise!! Visit zazzle.com/lhamerch to check out our collection! A portion of the sales go to us, so we can donate more supplies to different care facilities. And, we finally have our LinkedIn page up and running! If you have LinkedIn, please check out our page and consider following us! Have a great week!
It's July now! Crazy right? It seems like it was just yesterday when we started Lifting Hearts with the Arts. This week, we continued to host our one-on-one and group activities. Shout out to the residents at Brookdale Urbana for answering every single question correctly in our jeopardy game!! They are seriously geniuses. Additionally, we have partnered with an organization called Wordy What!! Created by LHA's treasurer, Riya, Wordy What aims to spread a love of words and language to children and adults of all ages. Riya has just published a puzzle book called Detective Wordy with 50 unique word puzzle games unique to Chicago! The link to purchase Detective Wordy books is on the Donate page of our website. We are working with Wordy What to donate several copies of Detective Wordy to the facilities we work with. Check out our newly updated Press Page on our website! We update it regularly. Please remember to spread the word about our organization and to follow us on our social media (instagram, twitter and facebook)!!